A Different Approach To Student Behavior: Addressing School Discipline and Socio-Emotional Learning Through Positive Behavior Intervention Systems
A new study from Tulane University’s Education Research Alliance for New Orleans provides new rigorous evidence that a data-driven approach on student behavior and discipline incidents can have a measurable impact on student outcomes.
New Orleans Student Commute Times by Car, Public Transit, and School Bus
A new study by Jane Arnold Lincove and Jon Valant, released in partnership with the Urban Institute, examines how much time students spend on school buses and how early students’ commutes to school begin.
Can Personalized Text Messages Help Parents Complete the Early Childhood OneApp Process?
Research Team: Daphna Bassok and Justin Doromal, University of Virginia; Jon Valant, Brookings InstitutionPlease note that this brown bag will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at Agenda for Children on Earhart Blvd. …
A Different Approach to Student Behavior: Addressing School Discipline and Socio-Emotional Learning through Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
There is growing concern about suspension and expulsion rates and disparities by race and income, and interest in focusing schools on student outcomes, such as socio-emotional learning that go beyond test scores. Improved beh…
How Long Does It Take New Orleans Students to Get to School?
Research Team: Jon Valant, Brookings InstitutionSchool choice reforms aim to provide families with expanded opportunities and influence in public education. However, students may not be able to choose certain schools if the…
What Effect Did the New Orleans School Reforms Have on Student Achievement, High School Graduation, and College Outcomes?
A policy brief by Douglas N. Harris and Matthew F. Larsen examines the post-Katrina school reforms' long-term effects on a range of student outcomes.
What Gets Measured Gets Done: Improving Performance Measures in the Next Generation of Accountability under ESSA
A policy brief by Douglas N. Harris and Lihan Liu examines how school ratings would change if states evaluated school performance differently.
New Policy Brief Released: "What Gets Measured Gets Done: Improving Performance Measures in the Next Generation of Accountability under ESSA"
A new study from the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University examines how school ratings would change if states evaluated school performance differently.
Do Centralized Enrollment Systems Give Families What They Want?
Research Team: Jon Valant, Brookings Institution; Josh Cowen, Michigan State UniversityPlease note that this brown bag will take place at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15. This departure from our usual time and day is due to scheduling…
How Have School Closures Affected Teacher Employment and Compensation?
Research Team: Deven Carlson, University of Oklahoma; Nathan Barrett, Education Research Alliance for New OrleansAs a major component of comprehensive school reform, the Louisiana state Recovery School District (RSD) perm…