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A Different Approach to Student Behavior: Addressing School Discipline and Socio-Emotional Learning through Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Nathan Barrett and Douglas N. Harris, Education Research Alliance for New Orleans

Date & Time
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
12:00–1:00 pm
Conference Room 760
1555 Poydras, Suite 700
New Orleans LA 70112 Map and directions

There is grow­ing con­cern about sus­pen­sion and expul­sion rates and dis­par­i­ties by race and income, and inter­est in focus­ing schools on stu­dent out­comes, such as socio-emo­tion­al learn­ing that go beyond test scores. Improved behav­ioral man­age­ment has the poten­tial to accom­plish both, by reduc­ing neg­a­tive behav­iors and encour­ag­ing non-aca­d­e­m­ic behav­iors that are impor­tant to long-term life suc­cess. Pos­i­tive Behav­ior Inter­ven­tion and Sup­port (PBIS) is one increas­ing­ly com­mon approach being used in thou­sands of schools across the coun­try. In this brown bag, we will present ini­tial results of a study that exam­ines the effects of a PBIS plat­form called Kick­board, which starts with the col­lec­tion of detailed real-time data on stu­dent behav­ior. By pro­vid­ing the data back to teach­ers and admin­is­tra­tors through dash­boards, and through addi­tion­al school-wide pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment, the intent is to facil­i­tate bet­ter stu­dent-teacher inter­ac­tions and more pos­i­tive stu­dent behav­ior. Using data from Louisiana schools, we address the ques­tions: How was Kick­board imple­ment­ed in schools? What effect did Kick­board have on sus­pen­sion rates and sus­pen­sion lengths? What effect did the use of Kick­board have on oth­er out­comes and spe­cif­ic sub­groups of students?

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