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  • New Report Released: "Extreme Measures: When and How School Closures and Charter Takeovers Benefit Students"

    News | October 17, 2016

    As the national debate about how and when to close schools continues to grow, the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans released a new study that analyzes the impact of school closures and charter takeovers on standardized test scores, high school graduation rates, and college entry rates.

  • Extreme Measures: When and How School Closures and Charter Takeovers Benefit Students

    Publications | October 17, 2016

    A policy brief and technical report by Whitney Bross, Douglas N. Harris, and Lihan Liu on School Closures and Charter Takeovers

  • Release Event Announced for New Study on School Closures and Charter Takeovers

    News | October 13, 2016

    ERA-New Orleans will host a release event at the Tulane City Center (1725 Baronne St.) on Monday, October 17, to present our latest study, Extreme Measures: When and How School Closure and Charter Takeovers Benefit Students.

  • Louisiana Data Privacy Laws and Their Impact on Educational Practice

    Events | October 12, 2016

    In recent years, stu­dent data pri­va­cy laws have been the sub­ject of many debates in the edu­ca­tion com­mu­ni­ty. The Data Qual­i­ty Campaign’s 2015 leg­isla­tive sum­ma­ry report­ed that 46 states con­sid­ered 182 stu­dent data pri­va­…

  • New Report Released: "The Ultimate Choice: How Charter Authorizers Approve and Renew Schools in Post-Katrina New Orleans"

    News | September 12, 2016

    In a new report from the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans, authors Whitney Bross and Douglas N. Harris find that the charter application review process can help authorizers identify high-performing charters if they gather more information about potential charter operators than the charter application alone can offer.

  • The Ultimate Choice: How Charter Authorizers Approve and Renew Schools in Post-Katrina New Orleans

    Publications | September 12, 2016

    A policy brief and technical report by Whitney Bross and Douglas N. Harris on Charter Authorization and Renewal Decisions

  • Mónica Hernández


    Móni­ca Hernán­dez’s research stud­ies how edu­ca­tion pol­i­cy inter­acts with stu­dents’ con­text and life cir­cum­stances, to affect their edu­ca­tion­al and life outcomes. …

  • Estilla Lightfoot


    Estil­la Light­foot is cur­rent­ly a Grad­u­ate Research Asso­ciate at the Edu­ca­tion Research Alliance for New Orleans and a pre­doc­tor­al fel­low in Social Work – City, Cul­ture, and Com­mu­ni­ty at Tulane University. …

  • Sarah Woodward


    Sarah Wood­ward is a nation­al col­lab­o­ra­tor at the Edu­ca­tion Research Alliance for New Orleans. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban Stud­ies – City, Cul­ture, and Com­mu­ni­ty at Tulane University. …

  • Danica Brown


    Dan­i­ca Brown is cur­rent­ly a Grad­u­ate Research Asso­ciate at the Edu­ca­tion Research Alliance for New Orleans and a Ph.D.candidate in Soci­ol­o­gy – City, Cul­ture, and Com­mu­ni­ty at Tulane University. …