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How Have School Closures Affected Teacher Employment and Compensation?

Jane Lincove

Date & Time
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
12:00–1:00 pm
Conference Room 760
1555 Poydras, Suite 700
New Orleans LA 70112 Map and directions

Research Team: Deven Carl­son, ​University of Oklahoma​; Nathan Bar­rett, ​Education Research Alliance for New Orleans​As a major com­po­nent of com­pre­hen­sive school reform, the Louisiana state Recov­ery School Dis­trict (RSD) per­ma­nent­ly closed, char­tered, and rechar­tered dozens of New Orleans schools between 2009 and 2015. In pri­or work, ERA researchers Whit­ney Bross, Dou­glas Har­ris, and Lihan Liu have doc­u­ment­ed [sub­stan­tial gains in stu­dent achievement](‑l-jrdlhkkt-l‑o/) for stu­dents who were affect­ed by these clo­sures. This study tries to bet­ter under­stand why these effects occurred by exam­in­ing the employ­ment out­comes of teach­ers at closed schools, includ­ing whether they returned to full-time teach­ing and how they were com­pen­sat­ed. Were the exit rates of teach­ers in schools that were closed because of low per­for­mance high­er than the exit rates of teach­ers in schools that remained open? What impact did school clo­sures have on the salaries of teach­ers who were dis­placed but con­tin­ued in the profession?

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