Did the Teachers Dismissed after Hurricane Katrina Return to Public Education?
A policy brief and technical report by Jane Arnold Lincove, Nathan Barrett, and Katharine O. Strunk on how and whether the 4,332 New Orleans public school teachers dismissed after Hurricane Katrina returned to public school employment in Louisiana.
How Much Does the Absence of Student Growth Measures Distort School Performance Scores and Affect Accountability?
With recent changes in federal policy, states such as Louisiana are considering measuring school performance in new ways. One of the oldest, and perhaps most significant, issues has been on the distinction between student…
Julie A. Marsh
New Report Released: "Teachers' Perspectives on Learning and Work Environments under the New Orleans School Reforms"
A new study from the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University examines how teachers’ perceptions of learning and work environments changed in New Orleans publicly funded schools after Hurricane Katrina.
Teachers' Perspectives on Learning and Work Environments under the New Orleans School Reforms
A policy brief and technical report by Lindsay Bell Weixler, Douglas N. Harris, and Nathan Barrett on teachers’ perceptions of how learning and work environments changed in New Orleans publicly funded schools after Hurricane Katrina.
New Report Released: "How Do Schools Respond to State Policies on Teacher Evaluation?"
A new study from the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University examines how post-Katrina teacher evaluation reforms were implemented in New Orleans publicly funded schools.
How Do Schools Respond to State Policies on Teacher Evaluation?
A policy brief and technical report by Julie A. Marsh, Susan Bush-Mecenas, Katharine O. Strunk, Jane Arnold Lincove, and Alice Huguet on the implementation of post-Katrina teacher evaluation reforms in New Orleans publicly funded schools.
New Report Released: "Did the New Orleans School Reforms Increase Segregation?"
A new study from the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University examines how the post-Katrina school reforms affected segregation in New Orleans publicly funded schools.
Did the New Orleans School Reforms Increase Segregation?
A policy brief and technical report by Lindsay Bell Weixler, Nathan Barrett, Douglas N. Harris, and Jennifer Jennings on the effects of the post-Katrina reforms on school segregation in New Orleans.
New Report Released: "When Tenure Ends: Teacher Turnover in Response to Policy Changes in Louisiana"
A new study from the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University provides evidence on how a 2012 bill, which made major changes to teacher tenure and empowered districts to dismiss ineffective teachers in Louisiana, affected teacher turnover in traditional public schools.