Vivian C. Wong
National Collaborator, Education Research Alliance for New Orleans
Assistant Professor in Research, Statistics, and Evaluation, Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia
Vivian C. Wong is a research methodologist in the field of Education.
Vivian C. Wong is a research methodologist in the field of Education. Currently, Dr. Wong is an Assistant Professor in Research, Statistics, and Evaluation in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. Her research focuses on evaluating interventions in early childhood and K-12 systems. As a methodologist, her expertise is in improving the design, implementation and analysis of experimental, regression-discontinuity, interrupted time series, and matching designs in field settings.
Dr. Wong is the lead author or co-author of numerous articles and book chapters on research methodology. Dr. Wong’s work has appeared in the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and Psychological Methods. Dr. Wong also teaches methodology courses on the design and analysis of randomized control trials in education settings, particularly focusing on the random assignment of cluster level units. She has served on advisory panels for IES-funded projects, including addressing implementation issues with using age-related RD cutoffs for evaluating pre-kindergarten programs, and on improving adult education research. Dr. Wong participated in the Institute for Education Sciences (IES) Predoctoral Training Program at Northwestern University, and received the Outstanding IES Predoctoral Fellow Award in 2010 for her dissertation work on “Addressing Theoretical and Practical Challenges in the Regression-Discontinuity Design.” She is a Principal Member of IES’s Statistics and Methodology review panel, and is a lead instructor for the IES workshop on Quasi-Experimental Designs