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How Does the New Orleans School Placement Algorithm Work, and What Is the Best Strategy for Getting a Preferred Placement?

In New Orleans, students are not assigned to a school-based only on where they live. Instead, families submit a ranked list of school requests through the NOLA-PS Common Application Process (NCAP), and then an algorithm assigns students to schools. Although aspects of the NCAP’s placement algorithm are complex—which can produce confusion and distrust—the basic idea is quite simple.

Visit the New Orleans Collaborative for Early Childhood Research for a related brief on the early childhood application process.

Policy Brief Cover

How Does the New Orleans School Placement Algorithm Work, and What Is the Best Strategy for Getting a Preferred Placement?

by Jon Valant

  • Descar­gar resumen en español * Tải bản tóm tắt bằng tiếng Việt This brief describes how the NCAP place­ment algo­rithm works. In an over­sim­pli­fied way, it illus­trates how the algo­rithm places stu­dents in schools. It then shows why strate­gies that fam­i­lies might think will help their chances of get­ting a pre­ferred place­ment can only hurt those chances. Instead, an applicant’s best strat­e­gy is to rank schools from their most to least-pre­ferred option.

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