The Effects of School Closure on the Teacher Labor Market: Evidence From Portfolio Management in New Orleans
A study by Jane Arnold Lincove, Deven Carlson, and Nathan Barrett examines the impact of school closures on the future employment of affected teachers.

The Effects of School Closure on the Teacher Labor Market: Evidence From Portfolio Management in New Orleans
by Jane Arnold Lincove, Deven Carlson, Nathan Barrett
In this study, Jane Arnold Lincove, Deven Carlson, and Nathan Barrett examine the impact of school closures on the future employment of affected teachers. They track teacher employment at publicly-funded schools in New Orleans from spring 2007 to spring 2015, a period when many low-performing schools were shut down or saw complete management changes, to see how those closures affected the probability that a teacher would leave the profession or see a decrease in salary in subsequent years.
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