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The Effects of Public Quality Ratings on Parents’ Early Childhood Program Preferences

A study by Lindsay Weixler, Jane Arnold Lincove, Matthew Larsen, and Catherine Balfe examines the effects of public quality ratings on parents' early childhood program preferences.

Technical Report Cover

The Effects of Public Quality Ratings on Parents’ Early Childhood Program Preferences

by Lindsay Weixler, Jane Arnold Lincove, Matthew Larsen, Catherine Balfe

In this study, Lind­say Weixler, Jane Arnold Lin­cove, Matthew Larsen, and Cather­ine Balfe exam­ine how pub­lic qual­i­ty rat­ings for ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion pro­grams influ­ence fam­i­lies’ choic­es in New Orleans. To do so, they com­pare how fam­i­lies ranked their pre­ferred pro­grams in the city’s cen­tral­ized enroll­ment appli­ca­tion in years when qual­i­ty mea­sures were dif­fi­cult for par­ents to access ver­sus years when infor­ma­tion was more read­i­ly available.

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