A New First: From State Takeover to the Nation's First All-Charter, District-Governed School System in New Orleans
This report studies the return of local control in New Orleans after a state takeover that turned all of the schools into charter schools

A New First: From State Takeover to the Nation's First All-Charter, District-Governed School System in New Orleans
by Jamie M. Carroll, Douglas Harris, Joshua Childs, Hanora Tracy, Huriya Jabbar, Julie Marsh, Molly Shields, Kait Ogden
Through an in-depth analysis of various sources, including media reports, school board meetings, school performance, enrollment data, and interviews with influential stakeholders, the research team uncovered valuable insights about the impact of reunification on critical roles and responsibilities. The findings shed light on how political pressures and strategies have significantly shaped the reunification process and its overall effects on district operations and student outcomes.
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