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A New First: From State Takeover to the Nation's First All-Charter, District-Governed School System in New Orleans

This report studies the return of local control in New Orleans after a state takeover that turned all of the schools into charter schools

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A New First: From State Takeover to the Nation's First All-Charter, District-Governed School System in New Orleans

by Jamie M. Carroll, Douglas Harris, Joshua Childs, Hanora Tracy, Huriya Jabbar, Julie Marsh, Molly Shields, Kait Ogden

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Through an in-depth analy­sis of var­i­ous sources, includ­ing media reports, school board meet­ings, school per­for­mance, enroll­ment data, and inter­views with influ­en­tial stake­hold­ers, the research team uncov­ered valu­able insights about the impact of reuni­fi­ca­tion on crit­i­cal roles and respon­si­bil­i­ties. The find­ings shed light on how polit­i­cal pres­sures and strate­gies have sig­nif­i­cant­ly shaped the reuni­fi­ca­tion process and its over­all effects on dis­trict oper­a­tions and stu­dent outcomes.

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