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College for All or College for Some: Charter High Schools and Students’ Futures in New Orleans

The Education Research Alliance for New Orleans is pleased to announce the release of a new study which examines the culture of college support in four New Orleans High Schools.

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College for All or College for Some: Charter High Schools and Students’ Futures in New Orleans

by Danica Brown

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This study inves­ti­gates how post-Kat­ri­na school reforms in New Orleans have improved col­lege out­comes by exam­in­ing the prac­tices of four high schools in fos­ter­ing a strong cul­ture for col­lege atten­dance and suc­cess. It high­lights the cru­cial roles of school lead­ers, coun­selors, and teach­ers in sup­port­ing first-gen­er­a­tion col­lege stu­dents through the col­lege-going process and explores how Louisiana’s col­lege readi­ness poli­cies have influ­enced stu­dents’ pur­suit of high­er education.

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