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Student Discipline: Outcomes, Policies, and Practices

The Urban Education Future?
Lessons from New Orleans 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina -- Videos are now available on our conference page.
Date & Time
Saturday, June 20, 2015
9:45–11:15 am
Session ID
Breakout 3.5
Brian Beabout, Moderator Nathan Barrett, Research Presenter Ulyses Collins, Panelist Morgan Craven, Panelist Chaseray Griffin, Panelist Adrian Morgan, Panelist
Sheraton Hotel
Room: Oak Alley
500 Canal St.
New Orleans LA 70130 Map and directions
Student Discipline: Outcomes, Policies, and Practices

How has the num­ber of sus­pen­sions and expul­sions changed since before the New Orleans reforms? How do stu­dent dis­ci­pline prac­tices vary across schools? How has the city­wide expul­sion pol­i­cy affect­ed dis­ci­pli­nary prac­tices? What can be done to fur­ther improve dis­ci­pline policies?

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