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The Urban Education Future?

Lessons from New Orleans 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina -- Videos are now available on our conference page.

This is a past event June 18–20, 2015

Conference Overview

This con­fer­ence pro­vid­ed the first bal­anced and com­pre­hen­sive look at the New Orleans edu­ca­tion expe­ri­ence and its effects. It includ­ed 75+ local and nation­al speak­ers and participants. Videos of each of the ses­sions are now avail­able. See schedule for videos. Local par­tic­i­pants includ­ed archi­tects of the reforms, edu­ca­tors, admin­is­tra­tors and non-prof­it lead­ers involved in the city’s schools. Nation­al par­tic­i­pants includ­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives of major inter­est and advo­ca­cy groups, phil­an­thropists, schol­ars, com­men­ta­tors, jour­nal­ists, and lead­ers in cities pur­su­ing sim­i­lar reform mod­els. Most impor­tant­ly, the invi­ta­tion and speak­ers list includ­ed a mix of both sup­port­ers and oppo­nents of the reforms. The sched­ule of events cov­ered a wide range of top­ics, includ­ing: teach­ers and instruc­tion­al qual­i­ty, char­ter schools and CMOs, school choice, char­ter autho­riza­tion and clo­sure, finances, and test-based account­abil­i­ty. All of these top­ics were dis­cussed with a focus on equi­ty and stu­dent outcomes.

Date & Time
June 18–20, 2015
The Sheraton Hotel
500 Canal Street
New Orleans LA 70130 Map and directions

Conference Partners

This conference is presented with the support of our generous partner organizations.


Partners at Tulane University

Community Partners

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