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  • Lindsay Weixler


    Lind­say Bell Weixler is a Non-Res­i­dent Research Fel­low, and her research inter­ests include ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion and child and ado­les­cent devel­op­ment in edu­ca­tion­al settings. …

  • Measuring the Effects of School Closures on Students

    Events | August 13, 2014

    The deci­sion to per­ma­nent­ly close a school is one of the most con­tro­ver­sial deci­sions in pub­lic edu­ca­tion. With school clo­sures becom­ing more com­mon under poli­cies of high-stakes account­abil­i­ty and school choice, it i…

  • Robert Santillano


    Robert San­til­lano joined the ERA-New Orleans team as a Senior Research Fel­low after spend­ing five years as a research econ­o­mist at Math­e­mat­i­ca Pol­i­cy Research. …

  • Nathan Barrett


    Nathan Bar­rett is the Senior Direc­tor of Research and Eval­u­a­tion at the Nation­al Alliance for Pub­lic Char­ter Schools (NAPCS). …

  • Paula Arce-Trigatti


    Paula Arce-Tri­gat­ti is a Non-Res­i­dent Research Fel­low whose cur­rent research inter­ests include study­ing the impact of state and dis­trict lev­el poli­cies on schools and under­stand­ing how edu­ca­tion research is used in pract…

  • Jane Lincove


    Jane Arnold Lin­cove holds a Ph.D. in Pub­lic Admin­is­tra­tion from the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia and a Mas­ters in Pub­lic Pol­i­cy from UCLA. Her research exam­ines the design and effects of mar­ket-based edu­ca­…

  • Jon Valant


    Jon Valant is a Fel­low in the Brown Cen­ter on Edu­ca­tion Pol­i­cy at the Brook­ings Institution. …

  • Competition and School Leader Strategy

    Events | July 16, 2014

    One of the pri­ma­ry aims of char­ter school poli­cies is to intro­duce com­pe­ti­tion between all pub­lic schools. When par­ents can choose where to send their chil­dren to school, this cre­ates pres­sure on schools to attract and retain s…

  • The Atlantic Monthly quotes Era-New Orleans director Doug Harris

    News | June 30, 2014

    Doug Harris comments on the New Orleans schools' hesitancy to return to district control.