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Virtual Brown Bag: How Have the New Orleans School Reforms Affected Youth Crime?

Lan Nguyen

Date & Time
Monday, November 1, 2021
12:00–1:00 pm
Zoom Conference

The Edu­ca­tion Research Alliance for New Orleans invites you to attend a vir­tu­al pre­sen­ta­tion on Mon­day, Novem­ber 1, on the top­ic of how school choice reforms in New Orleans affect­ed youth crime. Join us on [Zoom]( The post-Kat­ri­na school reforms result­ed in New Orleans becom­ing the nation’s first almost-all char­ter school dis­trict. Some argue that these changes have led to fam­i­lies find­ing schools that bet­ter meet their needs and stu­dents spend­ing more time in school, which may reduce youth crime rates. Oth­ers have expressed con­cern that char­ter schools may use over­ly strict dis­ci­pline, which may be relat­ed to the school-to-prison pipeline. This study pro­vides evi­dence on these var­i­ous con­cerns by inves­ti­gat­ing how the New Orleans reforms affect­ed youth crim­i­nal behav­ior. Lan Nguyen will share find­ings from this study, done with co-authors Stephen Barnes and Dou­glas N. Har­ris, in this vir­tu­al brown bag. To access the online dis­cus­sion, down­load Zoom and click on the link above. Please note that these find­ings are pre­lim­i­nary and should not be shared out­side of the brown bag.

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