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Demystifying the New Orleans School Admission Process: What We've Learned About the NCAP School Lottery and Student Priority Categories

Avis Williams, Erin Marrero, Jon Valant, Lindsay Weixler, Tanya Bryant

Date & Time
Thursday, December 7, 2023
5:00–7:00 pm
Audubon Charter School
428 Broadway St.
New Orleans LA 70118
Please use the Hurst Street entrance. Map and directions
Demystifying the New Orleans School Admissions Process

How does the New Orleans school place­ment algo­rithm work, and what is the best strat­e­gy for get­ting a pre­ferred place­ment? Check out this infor­ma­tive pan­el dis­cus­sion on cen­tral­ized enroll­ment in New Orleans. Pan­elists include Tanya Bryant (CEO of ReNEW Schools), Erin Mar­rero-Savoie (New Orleans par­ent and char­ter school leader), Dr. Avis Williams (NOLA-Pub­lic Schools super­in­ten­dent), and edu­ca­tion schol­ars Dr. Jon Valant (Brook­ings Insti­tu­tion), and Dr. Lind­say Weixler (Tulane Uni­ver­si­ty). The event shared the lat­est that debunks com­mon myths about cen­tral­ized enroll­ment avail­able in Spanish, and Vietnamese, as well as two forth­com­ing research reports. ***

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