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Live Panel: How Have New Orleans Schools Responded to COVID-19?

Date & Time
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
12:00–1:30 pm
New Orleans Schools and COVID: 15 Years After Katrina, How Are New Orleans Schools Responding to Another Crisis?

​Click [here]( to watch the livestream on Facebook. ​Clear here to watch the livestream on YouTube. In August 2020, New Orlea­ni­ans will mark the 15th anniver­sary of Hur­ri­cane Kat­ri­na. The city has changed immense­ly in the past fif­teen years, but per­haps no oth­er sec­tor has changed more than K‑12 edu­ca­tion. This year’s high school seniors entered pre-school in an edu­ca­tion sys­tem large­ly run by a tra­di­tion­al school dis­trict; they will grad­u­ate from the only dis­trict in the nation to be almost entire­ly char­ter schools. With this anniver­sary, we now find our­selves in the midst of a new cri­sis with many poten­tial changes on the hori­zon. How did schools, in our unusu­al sys­tem, respond to the COVID-19 cri­sis last spring and this fall? How will the switch to remote learn­ing change school­ing for years to come? What more can we do to be resilient dur­ing and after the COVID cri­sis? To dis­cuss these ques­tions, the Edu­ca­tion Research Alliance for New Orleans is con­ven­ing a vir­tu­al pan­el on Wednes­day, August 19, 12 – 1:30 PMNew Orleans Schools and COVID: 15 Years After Kat­ri­na, How Are New Orleans Schools Respond­ing to Anoth­er Cri­sis?” Dou­glas Har­ris, pro­fes­sor of eco­nom­ics at Tulane and direc­tor of ERA-New Orleans, will mod­er­ate a con­ver­sa­tion with: — Grisela Ale­jan­dro Jack­son, 5th Dis­trict Orleans Parish School Board Mem­ber — Dr. Liz Mar­cell Williams, CEO, Cen­ter for Resilience — Jamar McK­neely, CEO, InspireNO­LA Char­ter Schools — Alli­son Moul­trie, par­ent leader, Our Voice Nues­tra Voz — Dr. Der­rick R. White Sr., Direc­tor of Per­for­mance & Account­abil­i­ty, L.B. Landry High School