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Live Discussion: Voices of New Orleans Youth

Date & Time
Thursday, July 30, 2020
12:00–1:30 pm
Voices of New Orleans Youth: What Do The City’s Young People Think About Their Schools and Communities?

The Edu­ca­tion Research Alliance for New Orleans invites you to join us on Thurs­day, July 30, at 12 – 1:30 p.m. Cen­tral Time, for a vir­tu­al dis­cus­sion of the find­ings from our first city­wide sur­vey of New Orleans stu­dents: Voic­es of New Orleans Youth: What Do The City’s Young Peo­ple Think About Their Schools and Com­mu­ni­ties?” The event will be livestreamed on YouTube ([here]( and Face­book ([here]( The video will be record­ed for those who can­not attend the event live. The report, based on a sur­vey of almost 4,000 stu­dents in 21 New Orleans schools, allows us to see how young peo­ple view their teach­ers, schools, and neigh­bor­hood expe­ri­ences. Top­ics dis­cussed include how young peo­ple rate their teach­ers’ abil­i­ty to man­age the class­room and chal­lenge their stu­dents; whether stu­dents say they feel safer in the pres­ence of police; and stu­dents’ beliefs about them­selves and their own aspi­ra­tions for col­lege. In addi­tion, with the nation­al con­ver­sa­tion on civ­il rights as a back­drop, the Voic­es of New Orleans Youth” report finds that there are deep dis­par­i­ties in the edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ences of stu­dents of dif­fer­ent races. The sur­vey found that Black stu­dents rate their schools low­er than white stu­dents do on almost all mea­sures of school cli­mate, such as feel­ing that dis­ci­pline is fair and that the school is emo­tion­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly safe. Black stu­dents also less like­ly to agree that their teach­ers care about them and val­ue their ideas. In addi­tion, while 69% of white stu­dents report feel­ing safer in the pres­ence of police, only 40% of Black stu­dents do. What can be done to make schools feel safer and more wel­com­ing for all stu­dents? Ken­neth Fran­cis, Direc­tor of Pol­i­cy and Child Advo­ca­cy at Agen­da for Chil­dren, will mod­er­ate a pan­el dis­cus­sion and take ques­tions from the audi­ence. Alliance for New Orleans, will lead a brief overview of the sur­vey find­ings. Pan­elists include: — Rashi­da Gov­an, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, New Orleans Youth Alliance — Demond McDon­ald, local stu­dent — Nahli­ah Web­ber, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Orleans Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion Net­work — Jason Rogers Williams, City Coun­cil Pres­i­dent — Kate­lyn Wills, Assis­tant Prin­ci­pal, Eleanor McMain High School The dis­cus­sion will be livestreamed on YouTube and Face­book. For more infor­ma­tion and to RSVP, [please see our Face­book page]( If you have any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to reach out to Sharon Lurye at slurye@​tulane.​edu.