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Competition between Charter, Private, and Traditional Public Schools

The Urban Education Future?
Lessons from New Orleans 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina -- Videos are now available on our conference page.
Date & Time
Saturday, June 20, 2015
9:45–11:15 am
Session ID
Breakout 3.6
Christopher Lubienski, Moderator Jane Lincove, Research Presenter Ronald Briggs, Panelist Josh Densen, Panelist Patrick Wolf, Panelist
Sheraton Hotel
Room: Nottoway
500 Canal St.
New Orleans LA 70130 Map and directions

What influ­ence have the pub­lic school reforms had on pri­vate school enroll­ments? Why do par­ents exit pub­lic schools through the Louisiana Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram, the state’s vouch­er pro­gram? Under what con­di­tions would these par­ents remain in or return to pub­lic schools?

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