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How are Salary Dollars Allocated in New Orleans Public Schools, and How Has that Changed Since 2005?

A Research Snapshot by Olivia Carr compares how New Orleans public schools divide salary dollars by job role pre- and post-Katrina.

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How are Salary Dollars Allocated in New Orleans Public Schools, and How Has that Changed Since 2005?

by Olivia Carr

This study from Tulane Uni­ver­si­ty’s Olivia Carr exam­ines how New Orleans pub­licly fund­ed schools divide salary dol­lars between dif­fer­ent staff and com­pares salary trends for teach­ers, admin­is­tra­tors, aides, and coun­selors between 2003-05 and 2018 – 20. The vast major­i­ty of school resources” are peo­ple. In 2017 – 2018, New Orleans allo­cat­ed 48% of its edu­ca­tion bud­get to salaries. Fol­low­ing a series of school reforms after Hur­ri­cane Kat­ri­na, almost all New Orleans schools tran­si­tioned from tra­di­tion­al pub­lic schools to pub­licly fund­ed, pri­vate­ly run char­ter schools. School reforms affect salary spend­ing in a vari­ety of ways, and in New Orleans, char­ter reforms afford­ed schools and char­ter man­age­ment orga­ni­za­tions (CMO) a greater degree of flex­i­bil­i­ty in hir­ing and bud­get spend­ing. The over­all find­ings of this study rein­force the results of pri­or ERA-New Orleans work on school spend­ing and pro­vide updat­ed results and more detail regard­ing how salaries vary by staff role. These find­ings are: 1. Dur­ing 2018 – 20, New Orleans pub­licly fund­ed schools allo­cat­ed 50% of all salary dol­lars to teach­ers and 19% to admin­is­tra­tors. This is a decrease in the per­cent allo­cat­ed to teach­ers since 2003-05 and an increase in the per­cent allo­cat­ed to admin­is­tra­tors. 2. We also looked more close­ly at pos­si­ble rea­sons behind the changes in allo­ca­tions and found that teach­ers’ aver­age salary has decreased by 8% over time, but the num­ber of teach­ers per stu­dent is large­ly unchanged. 3. Admin­is­tra­tors’ aver­age salary is 22% high­er than pre-Kat­ri­na, and the num­ber of admin­is­tra­tors per stu­dent has increased by 119%. 4. Aides now earn 32% more on aver­age, and the num­ber of aides per stu­dent has dou­bled over time. 5. Coun­selors’ aver­age salary is about the same now as pre-Kat­ri­na, though there are 48% more coun­selors per stu­dent in recent years.

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