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How Do School Leaders Respond to Competition? Evidence From New Orleans

Huriya Jabbar

Date & Time
Thursday, March 26, 2015
6:00–8:00 pm
Library, Morris Jeff Community School
211 S. Lopez St.
New Orleans La 70119 Map and directions
How Do School Leaders Respond to Competition? Evidence From New Orleans

This is the sec­ond paper release for the Edu­ca­tion Research Alliance for New Orleans. It will exam­ine how school lead­ers in New Orleans per­ceive com­pe­ti­tion, what strate­gies they imple­ment to attract and retain stu­dents, and how these per­cep­tions and strate­gies have mold­ed the mar­ket. Fol­low us on twit­ter, @Era_NOLA (https://​twit​ter​.com/​E​r​a​_NOLA) and use #UrbanEd­Fu­ture to ask ques­tions online!

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