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The Evolution of Teacher Evaluation

The Teaching Profession in the Era of School Reform
Date & Time
Friday, June 23, 2017
11:15am–12:15 pm
Jane Lincove, Panelist Mary Garton, Panelist Douglas N. Harris, Moderator Amanda Aiken, Panelist
Xavier University, Convocation Center Annex, Room 111
7800 Washington Avenue
Entrance on Corner of Stroelitz and Fern
New Orleans, Louisiana Map and directions
The Evolution of Teacher Evaluation

How have eval­u­a­tion prac­tices in New Orleans changed since the New Orleans reforms? What do teacher eval­u­a­tions look like in New Orleans schools? How have instruc­tion­al prac­tices been affect­ed by teacher eval­u­a­tion and test-based account­abil­i­ty? Is account­abil­i­ty lead­ing to dif­fer­ent or bet­ter instruc­tion? To what degree is pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment guid­ed by obser­va­tions of prac­tice, feed­back, and evaluation?

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