New Orleans Citywide Youth Survey Results Preview
Lindsay Weixler
- Date & Time
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
12:00–1:00 pm
- Location
- 1555 Poydras Street, Suite 700
Conference Room 760
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 Map and directions
Research Team: Alica Gerry and Douglas N. Harris, Education Research Alliance for New OrleansMost of the studies from ERA-New Orleans address administrative data, such as test scores, high school graduation, discipline, transfer, and enrollment. Other studies have addressed educator perspectives on the reforms. In this brown bag, we will present an analysis of student perspectives and experiences, which is an important step beyond our prior work. During the 2018 – 19 school year, a coalition of community partners led by ERA-New Orleans carried out our first New Orleans Citywide Youth Survey. The goal of this biannual survey is to help city, community, and school leaders better understand what is happening in the lives of our youth by tracking progress in key areas such as teacher quality and classroom practices, school climate, students’ mindsets and aspirations, and school attendance and transportation. This presentation will provide a summary of student responses about their experiences across these topics. We will also examine whether or not there are differences in student responses across students’ race or school performance score.