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Conference Participant

Julia Koppich

President, J. Koppich & Associates

Julia E. Koppich is President of J. Koppich & Associates, a San Francisco-based education consulting firm. She has consulted for a number of national and federal organizations, including the U.S. Department of Education, National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, National Governors’ Association, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, National Alliance of Business, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, and National Center on Performance Incentives.

Dr. Koppich’s current work includes serving as Principal Investigator of a series of studies on California’s new education funding law (the Local Control Funding Formula), Principal Investigator of a study of new teacher evaluation systems in several California school districts, and as a senior member of the team providing technical assistance to recipients of the federal Teacher Incentive Fund grants. She recently completed studies of Peer Assistance and Review programs in selected California school districts and of California policies for early career teachers. Dr. Koppich also has served as Principal Consultant to the Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools and Memphis City Schools and as co-Principal Investigator for a four-year study of the impact of National Board Certified Teachers in low-performing schools.

Her areas of specialization include education policy analysis, improving teacher quality and effectiveness, and public sector labor relations. She is the author of numerous articles and co-author of two books: A Union of Professionals and United Mind Workers: Unions and Teaching in the Knowledge Society. Dr. Koppich holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Policy Analysis from the University of California at Berkeley.

Sessions Featuring Julia Koppich