Registration Open for the Early Childhood Data and Research Summit
July 7, 2016
ERA-New Orleans will host an Early Childhood Data and Research Summit for the New Orleans and Louisiana early childhood communities on August 3, at Tulane University's Lavin-Bernick Center.
Registration is open for ERA-New Orleans’ Early Childhood Data and Research Summit. The event is free to all community members who work with, administer programs for, or conduct research with children under the age of five. Space is limited, and [registration](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nP1aeRHZTawAoQfKI4-CobMIQRFrKdblDFBLFJujNjA/viewform?c=0&w=1) will close on July 14. The Early Childhood Data and Research Summit is the launch of ERA-New Orleans’ new effort to understand and improve early childhood education in New Orleans. During the meeting, participants will have the opportunity to talk with one another and with speakers about how to work together to improve research and data collection in early childhood programs and services. We hope these conversations will facilitate cross-sector collaborations and be the beginning of an ongoing dialogue among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. The goal of the summit is to examine barriers to our knowledge about Louisiana’s young children, particularly those from vulnerable populations. The conference speakers listed below will discuss recent research on early childhood programs in Louisiana and present ways to collect and connect data on young children and the programs that serve them. • Dr. Michael Rebar, Director of Systems Integration for the Oregon Chief Education Office, will discuss Oregon’s Student Longitudinal Data System, which incorporates early childhood programs. • Dr. Faith Connolly, Executive Director of the Baltimore Education Research Consortium, will discuss Baltimore’s new cross-sector early childhood data system. • Dr. Virginia Vitiello, Research Scientist at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education, will share early results from the pilot study of Louisiana’s new kindergarten readiness system. • Elizabeth Kief, Associate Director of Early Care and Education and Manager of the New Orleans Early Education Network at Agenda for Children, will give an overview of the early childhood education landscape and the New Orleans Early Education Network. • Teresa Falgoust, KIDS Count Coordinator at Agenda for Children, will provide an overview of the well-being of New Orleans children and the systems that serve them. • Kristen Illarmo, Associate Director of Early Childhood Enrollment at the Recovery School District, will explain the early childhood education enrollment process in New Orleans. • Lauren Dunaway, Research and Evaluation Program Manager at the Mary Amelia Women’s Center and Doctoral Candidate at the Tulane School of Public Health, will share findings from her evaluation of the Educare early childhood center in New Orleans. • Dr. Lindsay Weixler, Senior Research Fellow at the Education Research Alliance, will present findings from a study of the declining availability of school-based pre‑k in post-Katrina New Orleans.