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How Has the Louisiana Scholarship Program Affected Students?

A policy brief by Jonathan N. Mills, Anna J. Egalite, and Patrick J. Wolf summarizing four accompanying technical reports on the affects of the Louisiana Scholarship Program.

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How Has the Louisiana Scholarship Program Affected Students?

by Jonathan N. Mills, Anna J. Egalite, Patrick J. Wolf

How Has the Louisiana Scholarship Program Affected Students after Two Years?

One of the cen­tral debates about school reform is whether or not school choice improves stu­dent out­comes. School choice reforms, which com­prise a broad cat­e­go­ry of poli­cies aimed at improv­ing pub­lic edu­ca­tion through the intro­duc­tion of mar­ket forces that may stim­u­late cus­tomer choice and com­pe­ti­tion between schools, have grown par­tic­u­lar­ly pop­u­lar since the 1990s. Pri­vate school vouch­ers, which pro­vide pub­lic funds for stu­dents to attend K‑12 pri­vate schools, are one exam­ple of an edu­ca­tion reform that intro­duces choice and com­pe­ti­tion. This eval­u­a­tion focus­es on the impacts of the vouch­er pro­gram known as the Louisiana Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram, address­ing four research ques­tions to deter­mine its direct and indi­rect effects on Louisiana’s stu­dents. The Effects of the Louisiana Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram on Stu­dent Achieve­ment After Two Years Mea­sures of Stu­dent Non-Cog­ni­tive Skills and Polit­i­cal Tol­er­ance After Two Years of the Louisiana Schol­ar­ship Program The Impact of the Louisiana Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram on Racial Seg­re­ga­tion in Louisiana Schools The Com­pet­i­tive Effects of the Louisiana Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram on Pub­lic School Performance

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